Women’s Coach Development Programme Spotlight: Nichola Readman

Nichola Readman is a coach at Natural Progression and used boxing to transform her mental health. Now a coach, she hopes the programme will give her the tools to further improve her boxers.

Orpington & District ABC Celebrates New London Champions

Orpington & District ABC, a historic boxing club founded in 1912, has made a stunning comeback after its closure in 2013. Thanks to new leadership by Chairman Oliver Watson, the club reopened in April 2024 and now has over 100 members, including 30 competitive boxers.

A Message to England Boxing Clubs, Members and Coaches

We are always seeking to ensure the continued safety, quality and development of our member clubs, which is why we have decided to update the England Boxing Club Membership Policy and Membership fees, and these changes will come into effect from 1st June 2025.

Entry Deadline Extension: 2025 National Junior Championships

The England Boxing Championship Committee understand that a number of clubs misinterpreted the deadline for the Junior Championships and tried to enter boxers on 9th February but after the 12pm deadline...as a result, we have extended the deadline until 12 noon, 11th February.

Boxing Masterclass Brings WCDP Coaches Together

On Sunday, February 2, 2025, the English Institute of Sport (EIS) in Sheffield became a hub of learning and development as the Women’s Coach Development Programme (WCDP) coaches gathered for an exclusive Boxing Masterclass.

Women’s Coach Development Programme Spotlight: Alys Ball

Alys Ball, of Northumberland Fire and Rescue, got into boxing as an 8-year-old to spend more time with her dad. Now a Level One coach and EB apprentice, Alys hopes to build her confidence and independence.

Live Membership and Locker update to be held next week

England Boxing will host a live membership and locker update on Friday 7th February 2025 between 11 am and 12 pm.