Coaches should bear the following guidance in mind when preparing boxers for For One Night only bouts, which will be different to preparations for regular England Boxing competitions.
- Boxers must undergo a minimum 12-week training programme to be able to compete.
- They should take part in a minimum two, ideally three, training sessions per week.
- Training must be delivered by a minimum of a Level 2 coach.
- Coaches must ensure boxers complete a medical and registration via The England Boxing Vault before starting the training programme.
- Coaches are asked to emphasise skill development for all boxers, focusing mainly on straight punches with appropriate defences and counters.
- Coaches need to be aware of the development of strength, power and weight loss during the programme, and pairings may need to be reviewed.
- All boxers are to train as a team in the same gym with the designated coach identifying the safest pairings to compete. This will be achieved by regular technical/conditioned spars to identify pairs.
- Boxers should be paired according to England Boxing Championship weight rules, along with ability and any previous experience boxers have.
- Boxers will want to win – the coach’s role is to make sure pairings are made for the safety and enjoyment of both boxers.
- There may be an occasion where a boxer cannot compete because there is not a safe pairing to be made. Boxers’ health and welfare is paramount.
Further FONO details
Click here to download the FONO guidance document.
If you have any queries, please email, in the first instance, ashley.cooke@englandboxing.org