Week four Strava Challenge winners revealed – and new 3k challenge set

February 1, 2021 | by Matt Halfpenny


This week’s congratulations as England Boxing Strava Running Challenge 1k mini challenge category winners go to Bradley Smith (Schools), Kian Quinn (Junior), Jack Addy (Youth), Joshua Dougliss (Senior) and Matt Harrison (Coaches and Non-boxers).

The quintet fought off the competition to record the quickest week four times for their respective groups with some superb performances.

In week five, (Monday 1st February to Sunday 7th February), attentions turns to a new 3k mini-challenge (see below), which will run for the next two weeks (with separate results for each week).

For the last week of the 1k challenge, though, Smith (pictured, right), of Bishop Auckland ABC, once again showed his all-round excellence out on the road in the Schools section.

Having finished first and second in early January’s distance mini-challenges, he showed he has speed as well as endurance, clocking 2.59 to duck under the three-minute barrier.

In second place was the ever-improving Charlie Aldous (Barum), who knocked two seconds off his previous personal best 1k to come home in 3.25, while third was Archie Boyne (Burmantofts) with 3.32.

Leading the girls was another to excel at all distances in Gosport’s Mia Ash whose own continuous PB of 3.53 was enough to push Taylor-Lee Wolfe (Barum), with 4.28, and Beau Knight (Mackenzies) and Faye Marshall (Great Wyrley), who both ran 4.57, into second and joint third.

Those worthy of mention for clocking 4.00 or under were Chaz Butters, Drew Docherty, Jack Smith, Joe Glenwright, Kai Toner, Mason Warburton, Seth Charles and Aamir Shirazi.

The Juniors proved once again to be one of the most competitive categories and saw a reverse of last week’s top two, as both improved on their previous times.

It was Quinn (Braunstone, pictured top, in red) who led the way with an excellent time of 2.48, ahead of last week’s victor Liam Rennocks (Heart of England), with 3.02, and Shae Gowler (Peterborough Police) just two seconds further back on 3.04.

Jocelyn Kilkenny (East Middlesbrough) impressed with her time 3.40 to win in the girls and Millie Jones (Seconds Out)the runner-up with 4.45.

Others to clock 4.00 or less were Adam Croft, Bobby Orwin, Corben Beecher, Findlay Lloyd, Otis Hirst, Roly Chambers, Darcy Freeman and Imraan Shirazi.

To underline his previous week’s success, Loughborough’s Jack Addy returned with the same time of 2.38 to prove his initial success was no fluke in the Youth category.

Second and third were respectively Kai Bore McDonald (Fusion), with 3.46, and Keanu Scowen (Peterborough Police), with 3.48.

Maisie Goodley (Peterborough Police) was again the leading female in a time of 4.08.

In the senior category, Great Wyrley’s Joshua Dougliss was quickest in 3.02, just ahead of Sam Hall in 3.10 and Liam Hawkins (Barum) in 3.13.

For the women, Jasmine Poole (Downend, pictured above) was a repeat victor, with 3.30, from Nikki Patterson (Barum), with 3.59, and Kayleigh D’Arcy (Blue Flames), with 4.09.

There was some decent competition in the Coaches and Non-Boxers category, too, where Matt Harrison (Aston) posted a time of 2.59.

Reece Roberts (University of Coventry) was second in 3.10 and Mitchell Roberts (Great Wyrley) third in 3.17.

For the women, Rebecca Jackson (Market Drayton) ran a pace of 4.04, ahead of club-mate Dee Cowey (4.27) and Maxine Dunn (Lambton Street) 5.26.

England Development Coach Amanda Coulson said: “Once again, we’ve seen some fantastic times and people making improvements on their 1k bests week on week.

“The 3k mini-challenge this week offers something slightly different and will give those taking part fresh motivation as we move into the month of February.”

The new 3k mini-challenge

Starting today ( Monday 1st February) for two consecutive weeks (with two sets of weekly winners) is the is 3k mini-challenge.

Designed to test not just fleet of foot but endurance too, 3k runs help prepare boxers for the kind of high intensity they can expect in a boxing bout.

It is also the distance frequently used in fitness tests for England and GB squad assessments.

You can set as many 3k times as you like, but it must be done in one continuous run, automated through Strava or, if on a private treadmill or inputted manually, must be supported by pictorial evidence of the data created.

Please see below the example of England Talent boxer George Liddard for how your 3k should show up on your Strava page.

In the example, the time that will be measured is the ‘moving time’, which in this case would be 12.02.

In order not to lose any time, it is in your interest to make sure that you run as close to 3km as possible. Equally, make sure you run at least 3km, as if you run 2.99k, your time will not count.

To get the best results, follow these pointers:

  1. Always find an-off road route away from traffic.
  2. Try to find a route as straight as possible, which prevents loss of time on cornering.
  3. Try to find a route with little or no inclines that will slow you down.
  4. Measure out the 3km exactly on a slow practice run, so you know where to start and stop to record the correct distance.
  5. Don’t forget to stop the timing of your run immediately after reaching 3k!

For the 3k challenge, participants must ensure they have their Privacy Controls under Settings set to ‘Everyone’ both for the Profile Page and Activities in order that results can be viewed.

To reiterate, you must complete your 3k without stopping and only those who were specifically targeting this challenge, and running no more than 4k, will be considered.

Please note that while boxers overall mileage will continued to be displayed on group leaderboards, these results will not be acknowledged in week 5’s challenge.

How to join in

If you want to begin your 2021 by getting in running shape but not entered yet, there is still time to join with Challenges running each week from Monday morning to Sunday evening.

To join in with the England Boxing Strava Running Challenge 2021, first sign up to Strava at https://www.strava.com/, if you haven’t already.

Then head over to the relevant group to complete your registration. Runs will automatically be logged in the challenge once you are registered:

Schools boxers – https://www.strava.com/clubs/englandboxingschools

Junior boxers –  https://www.strava.com/clubs/englandboxingjunior

Youth boxers – https://www.strava.com/clubs/englandboxingyouth

Senior boxers – https://www.strava.com/clubs/englandboxingsenior

Coaches and Non-boxers – https://www.strava.com/clubs/englandboxingcoaches

Please state your club and position on your Strava profile. For example, put ‘Army boxer’, ‘Steel City Coach’, ‘Aberfeldy Welfare Officer’ or ‘Wearmouth Administrator’. If you are an official with no specific club, please state your region and role, such as ‘Eastern Counties Judge’.

Should you have any problems with registering, please email: matt.halfpenny@englandboxing.org

Key Information

Important: Please note that boxers and participants taking part are doing so their own risk and must ensure they have adequate footwear and clothing and no injury or health concerns.

It is recommended that participants do not to run alone in the dark or in adverse weather (such as snow or ice) and parents and coaches are requested to monitor the activity of under 18s and ensure that those taking part do not push themselves beyond their running capabilities, while also giving themselves adequate rest. Adults should also be careful to run within their limits and rest when appropriate.

You can also post pics that you’d like to share of you running in your England gear on our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter channels using the hashtag #EBStravaChallenge.