Northern Powerhouse top £2,500 in 24-hour charity fundraiser

February 12, 2021 | by Matt Halfpenny


Northern Powerhouse Boxing Academy (NPBA) have raised over £2,500 as part of Children’s Mental Health Week with a 24-hour Zoom exercise challenge – and hope to make it more with your help.

Having initially set out with a target of £240, the Eastwood-based club has been astonished to raise more than 10 times their target, all of which will be used to help local children access fitness classes, boxing-based workshops and well-being sessions.

Money is still coming in for the cause and you can add a donation by clicking here.

The challenge started at 10am on Saturday 6th February and ran until 10am the following morning, with a host of NPBA members signing up to do their bit.

Some dedicated souls did several hour slots over the 24 hours to keep the momentum going – day and night!

Activities ranged from Andrew Park throwing 2,000 punches to Liz Green completing over 53 burpees to celebrate her 53rd birthday.

Watch a video of the 24-hour challenge by clicking here.

Louise Marix Evans virtually cycling up a pass in the sunny Dolomites on YouTube, while a virtual disco from 9pm to 10pm saw club members dance the night away – complete with disco balls and neon face paints in some households!

Longtime NPBA member and Masters student Bea Goddard Zoomed in from her student digs in Edinburgh completing 259 squats, 250 bear squats, 250 press ups, 100 burpees and 400 seconds of punching in her hour.

Everyone was cheered on by other club members who logged in and offered their support throughout the mammoth challenge.

The club hit £2,400 exactly in their fundraising efforts as they did their final session – a 9am stretching session live from Spain, which saw participants from all over Calderdale and Europe come together to complete the challenge, led by club founder Kate Dakers.

NPBA Club Manager Josie McNamara was overwhelmed by the response to the event and said: “It was really wonderful to see our members come together at a time when we can’t see each other in the gym and work together to complete this challenge in a fun and collaborative way.

“All the messages of support from those who donated to our JustGiving page was so heart-warming. The fundraiser definitely struck a chord and it’s clear to see people are very worried about the welfare of our young people.

“Children’s Mental Health Week has been more important than ever this year and we are even more motivated to continue our work in the community over the coming year.

“Thanks to everyone who took part or supported us in some way. It certainly made a rather depressing winter lockdown weekend more interesting!”

Northern Powerhouse Boxing Academy is the UK’s first female-led boxing club, registered as a not-for-profit, Community Interest Company.

It provides girls and women with access to female-only coaching sessions in a safe, welcoming environment, offering training for everyone –  female and male – from 5 years to 60+.

For further details about the club, go to the club website: or look them up on Facebook or Instagram.