Destination India: Senior squad travel for high-level training camp

January 31, 2024 | by Chris Boyd


11 members of the England Performance Senior squad have travelled to the Netaji Subhas National Institute of Sports in Patiala, India to take part in a high-level training camp.

The camp, taking place between Monday 29th January and Saturday 10th February, is being hosted by the Indian Boxing Team and will feature guest nations from across the globe, allowing the Senior squad the opportunity to spar with individuals they wouldn’t typically box against.

Such is the high level of sparring on offer, the camp includes boxers that have already qualified for the Paris 2024 Olympics.

Following a 24-hour journey through Sunday and Monday, the squad took part in their first activities of the camp yesterday (30th January 2024).

Following a team walk to explore the Indian Institute of Sport and its Patiala surroundings in the morning, they then completed an afternoon mobility session ahead of full boxing training beginning today (31st January 2024).

The squad are joined by five members of staff in coaches Mick Maguire, John Stubbs, Jason Gledhill, Carl Ellis and physiotherapist Natasha Barnes.

For updates on the Elite Multi-National Training Camp, keep an eye on our socials here: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X).

Full squad


Weight Name Club Region
U50kg Terri Naylor Limehouse Boxing Academy London
U54kg Beth Walsh Training Cave Yorkshire
U57kg Vivien Parsons Afewee Boxing London
U63kg Terri Stuart British Army Boxing British Army Boxing
U66kg Kayla Allen Hoddesdon ABC Home Counties


Weight Name Club Region
U48kg Reece Readshaw Phil Thomas SoB Tyne, Tees & Wear
U60kg Freddie Pullen West Ham Boxing London
U60kg Louie Ward Repton Boxing Club London
U63.5kg Osama Mohamed Lions ABC Midlands
U80kg Oladimeji Shittu Five Star ABC London
U86kg Teagn Stott Sheffield Boxing Centre Yorkshire