England Boxing Annual Awards 2023 – Female Official of the Year spotlight

June 24, 2023 | by Chris Boyd


In the lead-up to the inaugural England Boxing Annual Awards 2023, set to take place at the Royal Victoria Hotel in Sheffield on Thursday 13th July, we will be shining a spotlight on the nominees from each of the 10 categories.

This piece will highlight the excellent work done by the three nominees for the Female Official of the Year category.

(Nominees will be addressed in forename alphabetical order).

Chantelle Trumpet – Jimmy Egan’s ABC

After completing an induction course in the North West, Chantelle Trumpet was encouraged to become an official – something she later said she is ‘thankful’ for.

And so is the North West region.

Struggling from a lack of female officials, Trumpet could be considered something of a trailblazer, and her influence hasn’t gone unnoticed with one coach saying:

“Chantelle is a fundamental part of the region’s officials’ team.

“She shows every weekend that she is available and is constantly working to improve her skills and keep our boxers safe.”

As part of Trumpet’s commitment to improving, she was selected for a place on the England Boxing Women’s Official Development Programme for 2022-2023.

The referee, from Jimmy Egan’s Boxing Academy, hopes the tools she forged during the programme will take her to a European Championships.

“I would love to referee at a European Championships. Refereeing for my country and region would be magnificent.”

There’s no doubt that Chantelle can achieve her goal, but for now, her hard work ensures she’s an integral part of her region.

“She is an inspiration to us all,” said one nomination.

Louise Gibbs – England Boxing

Louise Gibbs is a well-known figure on the England Boxing circuit, to the point where one of her friends simply put: “The amount of time she gives to boxing is unreal.”

It’s easy to see how the time soon adds up: Louise sits on the England Boxing Championship sub-committee, helps to coordinate the National Championships, and attends almost all of those events alongside numerous regional events and meetings.

Louise’s dedication to England Boxing and Women’s Boxing earned her the Women in Boxing Spotlight Award 2022 for her outstanding contribution to empowering women in boxing.

The recognition of her hard work extends into the nominations that have been submitted, with one person writing:

“Louise is an amazing lady.

“She collates all the Championship data which takes forever, and you’ll see her at most of those events too.

“Along with all that work, she is devoted to her region and is out most nights at club shows.

“She really deserves this award as I don’t know anyone else that gives as much time to the sport as she does.”


Terri Kelly – Haringey PBC

The final shortlisted nominee is Terri Kelly of Haringey Police Community ABC.

Terri has over 35 years of experience in amateur boxing, juggling her time as a well-respected England Boxing official with the running of Haringey PBC – and the organisation of Europe’s largest box cup, the Haringey Box Cup, held annually at the famous Alexandra Palace.

On top of that success, Terri Kelly has helped to boost female boxing in England for several years.

She established the group ‘This Girl Can Box’, with sessions led by England Boxing coach Q Shillingford MBE alongside a team of coaches.

The group says it aims to ‘promote boxing, increase female participation, and create more competitive opportunities’, something that has been achieved under the stewardship of Kelly.

One nomination read: “Terri spends hours of her time organising female squad training sessions and rep matches in London and the South of England, giving loads of women the chance to box.

“She’s been doing it for so long now and every squad session has grown tenfold – giving many young girls the chance to get some valuable sparring and develop their skill sets.

“She’s an asset to women’s boxing and amateur boxing as a whole.”