England Boxing launches new matchmaker
May 1, 2018 | by Gemma Field
England Boxing is pleased to announce that the new Matchmaker service and programme is now available for clubs to complete the initial set up and will be fully live for all England Boxing clubs to “match” from the 1st June 2018.
The Matchmaker is free of charge and has been developed with a number of Club matchmakers and Regional Associations.
The Matchmaker can be used to match club shows and record boxers’ historic and ongoing bouts. Shows can be matched in a similar method to how clubs currently match them and as well as being free of charge, there are a number of additional useful features. These include; club shows added to the matchmaker being advertised on the events calendar, which it’s anticipated will help promote the shows and let people know when and where shows are taking place. It will also allow boxers to have a true record of historic bouts, which will assist with the safeguarding and wellbeing of boxers. It also means England Boxing will, in the future, be able to recognise significant milestones for a boxer, for example reaching 100 bouts. This also means from the 1st June any events inputted in to the Matchmaker will be available for boxers and the clubs to view.
To help with rollout of the new Matchmaker, Clubs will be able to follow the video tutorials on the Knowledge Base, in order to assist with the set up and the ongoing use of the Matchmaker.
To assist clubs further, the Club Support Officers will hold a number of workshops within the region to demonstrate and answer questions. This will make sure that clubs can use the Matchmaker and benefit from the free service. Should you wish to attend a workshop please contact a Club Support Officer
There will also be support from the England Boxing office. Clubs will be able to access and complete the initial one time set up of the Matchmaker through the club profile on The Vault.
Work is also currently being undertaken for Scottish and Welsh boxers to be available on the Matchmaker, more detail will follow on this facility.
We believe this is another significant step in the provision of services to the membership and England Boxing would like to thank all clubs for their support in the build-up to and during the launch of the Matchmaker. We look forward to clubs utilising and benefitting from the Matchmaker, should there be any queries then please send them to vaultsupport@www.englandboxing.org