England Boxing new season 2019-20
May 25, 2019 | by Matt Halfpenny
Please find below a communication from England Boxing regarding the new season.
Dear Members,
England Boxing would like to welcome all clubs, members and volunteers to the 2019-20 season, which begins on Saturday 1st June 2019.
The 2018-19 season has been a fantastic year with 75 new clubs and over 3,000 new members, bringing the number of affiliated clubs to 926 and membership to 20,126. The support provided by regions, clubs, officials, coaches, boxers and volunteers has been immeasurable and continues to unite and build our expanding boxing family.
All current members will need to renew their Membership on the Vault to remain active members of England Boxing, and this can be done through The Vault. We are pleased to confirm that for the 2019-20 season, Membership with England Boxing is remaining at £220 for Clubs, £22 for coaches, officials and volunteers and £11 for carded boxers. Recreational Boxers will remain free of charge. This is the seventh consecutive year that we have been able to keep membership fees at this low price.
The Vault / Registration
The Vault is England Boxing’s Membership application and information centre. We have been able to continuously develop and improve functionality using regular feedback from our membership over the past two seasons. Registering with The Vault allows you to renew and pay for your membership securely with the knowledge that you are fully insured to participate in boxing activities upon approval.
Detailed below is some of the progress made this year and further developments that you will see during the 2019-20 season. Should you have any queries regarding the information provided, then please email enquiries@www.englandboxing.org
Once again, we would like to welcome all members to the new season and thank you for continuing to support amateur boxing. We look forward to seeing you in 2019-20.
Gethin Jenkins (Chief Executive Officer)
Vault Developments
Medical Module: We have been working with the England Boxing Medical Sub-committee and liaising with England Boxing registered Doctors to develop the new Medical Module. This is now ready for launch in the new season and further information will follow in the coming weeks.
Membership Policy: Following recent experiences by the regions and England Boxing on approving applications from prospective members and disputes between Clubs, England Boxing has compiled the Membership Rules into one centralised document. The aim of the Membership Rules is that for those joining or already in membership they can now easily understand the rules, requirements and obligations in order to deliver boxing to the membership in the best possible way.
Much of this reflects current practice/regulations and has involved consultation and feedback from the regional representatives. A copy of the membership rules has been sent to all clubs and is available on the website and The Vault.
All members and clubs must read and agree to the membership terms and conditions to become a member of England Boxing. Also, please remember to opt into our communications as we don’t want you to miss out on important updates to our rules, competitions and membership exclusive offers.
Insurance Microsite: The new microsite is being launched in early June; this will answer any of your insurance questions direct from our provider. It will also give you the option to purchase travel insurance compliant with any Boxing Abroad applications and any additional insurances required.
Knowledge Base: A key benefit to The Vault is access to the Knowledge Base where you will find a wide range of membership benefits. These currently include discounts on hotels through UK Sport’s IGH Rewards Club, discount on clothing and accessories, free image downloads from our National Championships and Women’s Winter Box Cup and our Coach Education Corner, where you can find a range of teaching resources. Please make sure you log in regularly so that you don’t miss out.
DBS: Please note that due to police resourcing, it can take up to 60 days for a DBS application to be completed once you have had your ID checked. England Boxing DBS checkers have kindly volunteered their time to increase the provision of this service. If you would like to become a DBS checker, please contact DBSapplications@www.englandboxing.org for more information. It is important to note that no coach should be coaching in a club or cornering at an event without an in-date and valid DBS entered on The Vault. There are no exceptions to this rule.
Registrations: You can access the user guides for registering on The Vault by clicking here. It is important to note that if you are an existing member you do not need to set up a new Vault profile for the new season. Instead, please use your existing log-in details to affiliate. If you have forgotten your email address and/or your password, please email vaultsupport@www.englandboxing.org with your name, date of birth and club you are currently registered to for assistance.
Dispensation: After careful consideration, the Board of England Boxing are pleased to announce that dispensation for events taking place in England for the month of June 2019 can be sought via their regional association secretary.
Boxing Abroad: If you are entering the Monkstown Box Cup, please ensure you submit your permission to Box Abroad forms along with your travel insurance to your regional secretary before the England Boxing deadline day (Thursday 20th June). There is no dispensation for Boxing Abroad.
The current 2019 version of the England Boxing Rule Book is available by clicking here.
From Saturday 1st June the following rules will apply:
AIBA rule 48.7. Hijab
- 48.7.1. Women and Girl Boxers may wear a black sport form-fitting Hijab
- The Hijab can include the following elements:
- Long-sleeved form fitting shirt under the Competition vest;
- Full-length form fitting tights under the Competition shorts or skirt;
- Sport Hijab scarf. AIBA Technical and Competition Rules – 81 AIBA Technical and Competition Rules – 81
- The use of Hijab in the Field of Play shall not interfere with the view of the referee and judges, or potentially cause any injuries or cuts, or give any unfair competitive advantages.
- No identification of the Member Association, and no further elements such as marks, insignia, statements or slogans shall be displayed on the Hijab, tights or sleeves.
- The hijab outfit has to be presented and approved during the Sport Entries
Male Youth Boxer gloves
- Any Male Youth Boxer over 64kg must wear 12oz gloves for competitive boxing. This is to include any catch weight contest involving any boxer that is over 64kg even if one is less than 64kg.
- Therefore, for clarity, with effect from 1st June 2019 please ensure the following is adhered to:
All Male Youth and Elite Boxers over 64kg must wear 12oz gloves
NB: Should one boxer be over 64kg and one under both boxers must wear 12oz gloves.
All Female Youth and Elite weight categories use 10oz gloves.
National Championships and Competitions
Significant efforts have been made to raise the profile and delivery of the England Boxing National Championships this season. An example of this has been the partnership with the BBC, which broadcasted the National Amateur Championships worldwide via their live stream and on demand function. This broadened the reach of spectators to the sport and has created a commercially attractive showcase.
This was evident through the new partnerships with JD Sports and Club La Santa, both of which supported the National Amateur championships. Pre-sale tickets were made available through Ticketmaster and discounts were offered to clubs represented in the final to assist their supporters in attending.
Participation across all ages has increased year on year by up to 20% in each championship, leading to be bigger and better venues in order to meet the demand and improve the boxers’ experience at national level.
The expansion of domestic competition has taken place with the reintroduction of the Title Belt series. There have been over 50 national and area belts contended for this season, with many more events planned for after the summer break. Title Belt bouts are being added to club shows across the country, to increase their profile and give boxers the opportunity at becoming a national, area or regional champion.
Female participation has also been a focus and the creation of the Winter Women’s Box Cup in December 2018 increased the opportunity for females to be matched, not only with English boxers but many international ones too. Eight different countries attended to box and vie to be crowned champion at their weight, at a Junior, Youth and Senior level, with 187 boxers in total entering the competition in its inaugural year. Female participation was also encouraged in the officiating, with the majority of referees and judges being women. The event was a great platform for females across the board and, due to its success, will now be an annual event.
England Boxing’s ‘One Night Only’ is also being developed, with those clubs who have run events reporting significant increase in revenue and attendance at their shows.
Talent Programme
2018 saw a record-breaking 38 medals won by boxers on the talent pathway at international major events. Medals were won at every age group and very close to an equal split across males and females, demonstrating delivery at every level. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the boxers, coaches, clubs, regions, supporters and families who have helped contribute to another record-breaking year.
With over 300 boxers now on the talent pathway, a clearer model is in place featuring transparent selection policies published online along with clear entry and exit routes onto the programme. Inductions and kitting out sessions have been introduced for all age groups, which also feature sessions for parents and club coaches that have been incredibly well received so far. We look forward to all 2019 events to come, which includes the GB Three Nations events along with Youth European Championships, Junior European Championships and Schools European Championships, and wish all boxers and coaches representing England the best of luck.
Education and Training
With the introduction of the England Boxing Level 1 Coaching Course, we are pleased to give you an overview of the newly qualified Level 1 Coaches in each region.
Level 1 Coaching Courses run June 2018 – 2019
Region | Number of courses | Participants | |
East Midlands | 5 | 89 | |
Eastern Counties | 5 | 94 | |
Home Counties | 5 | 69 | |
London | 16 | 305 | |
Merseyside&Cheshire | 4 | 73 | |
Midlands | 7 | 132 | |
North West | 8 | 137 | |
Southern Counties | 9 | 151 | |
TTW | 7 | 112 | |
Western Counties | 4 | 73 | |
Yorkshire | 6 | 110 | |
Grand Total | 76 | 1345 |
Course fees from June 2019 are as follows;
Level 1 Coaching Course
Four-day training course ongoing assessment (From 1st June – £140).
Implementation: From 1st June 2019
The review of the Level 1 Coaching Course has now been completed and the second wave of Level 1 Coach Educators have now qualified.
The educators who will deliver the courses have completed their mandatory training (Coach Educator and Continuous Professional Development Training Course) in preparation to satisfy the increasing demand for the Level 1 Courses. The new course content has now been implemented into the programme.
Level 1 Coaching Refresher Training
One-day training course – £50 (From 1st June 2020 – £75)
Implementation: From 1st April 2019
All Level 1 Coaches that attended their course prior to 1st June 2016, and apply for their lanyard from June 2019, will be required to attend and pass the one-day refresher course during the 2019-2020 season. Unfortunately, those who fail to comply with this requirement during this timeframe will be unable to register from June 2020. From the 2019-2020 season onward, all coaches whose qualification becomes expired (over three years since their course) will be mandated to undertake the refresher training prior to applying for their lanyard.
Whilst not mandatory, it is strongly advised that coaches that have not completed a Level 1 Course in over three years and wish to attend a Level 2 Course should attend a Level 1 Refresher Training prior to applying for the Level 2 Course.
The objectives of our training courses are to ensure the continued development of our Level 1 coaches. To encourage maximum engagement, course costs have been set as low as practically possible at £50 per person, (£75 post June 2020). Qualifications remain valid for three years.
Level 2 Coaching Course
Three-day Training Course plus one-day Assessment – £160 per person.
Implementation: From 1st Apr 2019
As of 1 April 2019, the England Boxing Level 2 Coaching Course was relaunched.
This is being delivered by the recently selected and trained Level 2 Coach Tutors.
The administration and organisation of these courses will be provided by England Boxing, in a similar way to the Level 1 processes. However, as this qualification owns the authorisation of risk in a risk-to-life sport, each course will be delivered and assessed by two separate and suitably qualified educators/assessors, hence the slight increase in course costs.
This training and qualification will only be available to members of England Boxing.
Our Community Department is fully staffed, with nine Club Support Officers (CSOs) servicing all regions. The CSO team recorded 265 different grants to clubs totalling in excess of £7million in the financial year 2018-19. Over 50% of these grants had a large involvement from a CSO.
This year, Mick Maguire replaced Daniel Allen in West Midlands and is already making an impact with grant support for clubs and good negotiations with Commonwealth Games England to ensure boxing clubs within the city are fully supporting visiting teams.
Damian Ridpath in the North West region has negotiated an agreement with the newly formed charity Maverick Stars Trust in Cheshire. It has pledged 27 small start-up grants od £2,500 each across England for community-based projects.
Our CSO for the Southern Counties, Avoen Perryman has taken on the role of Insight Officer and is working on a new ‘wider social impact’ survey with sport England, investigating levels of trust of Boxing members in areas of low socio-economic groups.
CSO for Yorkshire Ashleigh Hurrell, in conjunction with Active lives South Yorkshire, ran our first female only coaching course at Level 1. 17 women attended from 16 different clubs and have all committed to getting ten new females to attend their clubs.
13 tutors have been trained to deliver our new Box in Mind workshop, which will raise awareness of members in clubs who are having mental health problems and regional workshops will run this season. The course was written by our North East CSO Matthew Williams in conjunction with officers from MIND (more details below).
We also are writing a workshop to advise coaches on how to run safe boxing fitness sessions for participants with Parkinson’s disease. This workshop should be ready for September 2019 and is endorsed by Parkinson’s UK.
We now know of approximately 20 affiliated boxing clubs who are involved in projects to divert young people from involvement in gangs, and in particular knife crime. Most notably, a project led by Anfield Boxing Club in Liverpool has now taken a workshop into nearly every school across the city with full support from schools, hospitals, police and local businesses. England Boxing hopes to bring all interested clubs together to share good practice.
The role boxing clubs continue to play in local areas, with outstanding community-based projects being undertaken, is now well understood by various government departments and this evidence is essential in helping affiliated clubs to win substantial grants to fund such initiatives.
For further information on any of the above projects contact your local Club Support Officer.
England Boxing’s Instagram social media channel is rapidly growing in popularity, passing 10,000 followers on the weekend of the England Boxing National Amateur Championships Finals Day in April.
England Boxing will launch a new website featuring improved design, layout and content that is mobile and tablet compatible and is easier to use in the early stages of the 2019-20 season.
Since the first England Boxing Safeguarding course in Feb 2016, 355 workshops have been provided and 5,574 members have completed the England Boxing safeguarding workshop. As of today’s, date, there are a further 28 workshops scheduled for this year.
England Boxing are holding a Conference for Club Welfare Officers on 12th October 2019. The venue will be in London and further details of the conference will be circulated in due course.
Box In Mind
Box In Mind is a new workshop developed by England Boxing in partnership with mental health charity MIND. The workshop explores mental health in boxing and aims to raise awareness of the issue throughout the sport.
One in four adults will experience a mental health problem each year. Through our consultation with clubs and coaches, we know that many people within the sport have experienced their own struggles.
Yet there remains a great deal of stigma around mental health and this often means that people – and men in particular – don’t feel able to admit that they are struggling or to seek the help and support that they need. This can have tragic consequences.
Box In Mind will raise awareness of mental health, helping England Boxing members to better understand what mental health problems are, how the boxing environment can have a positive and negative affect on mental health, and where to find help for mental health problems.
Box In Mind workshops will be rolled out across England Boxing’s regions over the coming months. The workshop is suitable for anybody that has an interest in this issue, including coaches, welfare officers, boxers and parents