First North West Region training squad of 2019 for schoolboys and juniors
February 25, 2019 | by Matt Halfpenny
The North West Region’s first male squad training and sparring session takes place on Saturday 12th January and is open to schoolboy boxers (born 2004-2006) and junior boxers (born 2002 and 2003) across all weights.
The squad will be run by Lead Coach Ian Harrison and support coaches Tommy Battle, Ray Riddle, Sol Jeng and Peter Roberts.
A club coach may come with the boxer and lend a hand on the day, but there is a strict no parent rule.
The session is set to include technical work, skipping, circuits and running, as well as sparring, and be held between 10am and 12 noon at the Eccles ABC Gym, Top Floor, Bridgewater Mill, Leigh Street, Eccles, M30 0UT.
All boxers will be expected to provide all relevant training kit, must have five under-15 bouts, must be registered to an affiliated club, be free from injury and bring their medical (BCR1) card on the day.
The squad sessions will be used as a development opportunity and a chance for boxers to showcase their talent and skills. They will also enable the North West Region to collect information that will be used as part of selection for upcoming boxing tournaments.
North West Region boxers will take priority when selecting teams for matches and competition.
Please contact ian-j-harrison@ntlworld.com if you or your club’s boxers are planning to attend, with details of those you wish to take part.