Fundraising page set up in Stevens’ memory
April 30, 2020 | by Matt Halfpenny
A fundraising page has been set up in the memory of Pinewood Starr ABC owner Les Stevens.
The former Commonwealth Games bronze medal winner died at the weekend, a victim of the Coronavirus.
Stevens was a popular figure in the boxing community, not only at his own club, but also on the English amateur circuit.
He trained a large number of national champions and his passing brought a huge number of messages of condolence from all who know him on social media.
Now the club have set up a #KOCOVID19 page in his memory in the hope to secure the funding that will enable the club to continue to produce top class boxers.
If you can donate to Pinewood, click here.
To find out more about England Boxing’s #KOCOVID19 campaign – that aims to help clubs struggling through loss of income by gym closures due to Cornarivus – click here.