Hope for November face-to-face courses restart
August 10, 2020 | by Matt Halfpenny
England Boxing hopes to restart face-to-face courses in November 2020, which have been on hold following the onset of the Coronavirus Pandemic.
They were initially suspended until September in March, just before the beginning of the UK lockdown.
The decision has been taken to delay their reintroduction for a further two months, with the safety and wellbeing of candidates remaining the number one priority.
Courses affected include Coaching Level 1, Coaching Level 2, Coaching Level 1 Refresher, Safeguarding, Box In Mind and Time To Listen.
The November return is dependant on Coronavirus levels remaining at relatively low levels nationwide, so that any risks can be effectively managed.
“These are extremely difficult times, but it’s essential we do what it takes to ensure we remain as safe as possible and that boxing does it bit to help alleviate the current situation,” said England Boxing’s Training Course Coordinator, Josh Greenhoff.
“England Boxing will continue to monitor developments and guidance from the Government and will aim to have the Coach Education programme back up and running in November, in alignment with a number of other sporting NGBs.
“We look forward to supporting Members in the future to become the best coaches they can be.”
Those who booked a course prior to the suspension of courses will be contacted by England Boxing to be given the opportunity to book onto the next available course in their region.
Alternatively, should a candidate require a full refund, please contact administration@englandboxing.org to arrange this.
The latest Government advice regarding Coronavirus can be found here.