Join female Community of Practice online sessions
April 16, 2021 | by Matt Halfpenny
The latest England Boxing Female Community of Practice online sessions will be held over the coming two weekends.
The sessions are designed to stimulate discussion around women and girls’ boxing and its development as the easing of the government’s Covid-19 lockdown begins.
The Female Coach Community of Practice will be hosted by England Boxing Development Coach Amanda Coulson and Talent Coach Laura Sargeant.
It will be held on Sunday 18th April between 7pm and 8.30pm. You can join the Zoom call by clicking here.
The Female Officials Community of Practice will be hosted by referee and England Boxing board member Hilary Lissenden.
It will be held on Saturday 24th April between 12noon and 1.30pm. You can join the Zoom call by clicking here.
Members of both sessions are encouraged to join a WhatsApp group where they are able to continue the discussion and ask for help and advice when needed.
For more information, or to register your interest, please email laura.sargeant@englandboxing.org