Maverick Stars donate 50 defibs to help ‘Keep the Beat’

March 1, 2022 | by Matt Halfpenny


England Boxing-affiliated clubs from across the country have been awarded a vital defibrillator as part of the Maverick Stars Trust ‘Keep the Beat’ campaign.

The initiative aims to promote CPR techniques, along with donating 50 defibs to amateur gyms.

Headed up by Maverick ambassador April Hunter who lost her cousin and best friend Paul Gardner to cardiac arrest in 2018 – it is being run in conjunction with the charity set up in Paul’s name, PGCPR.

The project also has the full support of April’s friend and world champion middleweight Savannah Marshall, and dovetails with England Boxing’s own #EveryBeatCounts defibrillator campaign.

Sudden cardiac arrest in young people – including high-profile athletes – has increasingly been making headlines in recent years.

Each year in the UK there are more than 30,000 ‘out-of-hospital’ cardiac arrests. The survival rate is less than one in 10. In some cases, performing CPR can more than double the chances of survival.

Maverick Stars Trust has provided the defibrillators to amateur boxing clubs most in need.

It will help meet the requirement that every England Boxing member club will need to have access to and know how to use a lifesaving defib by 1st June 2022.

“For the 50 boxing clubs that the team at Maverick Stars Trust have selected to support with this amazingly generous offer, I just want to say congratulations and well done,” said England Boxing’s Interim Head of Community Development, Avoen Perryman. “It is great to see that those clubs will now have this key piece of equipment installed.

“So often in our wonderful sport, we hear people say that ‘boxing saved my life’, and whilst that is true for so many, this vital piece of equipment could quite literally save lives for years to come.

“For those clubs clubs who applied but weren’t selected by MST, your regional Club Support Officers are on-hand to support and advise with securing a defibrillator. There is also a new support page and guidance information available on our website.

“Thank you to Charlotte (Gilley), and all the staff, volunteers and clubs that are part of the Maverick Stars Trust family. I know your efforts are greatly appreciated by EB’s clubs.”

The importance of defibs in gyms has been underlined with the story of Zoe Cluett, who collapsed during a Box Fit class in January at Wimborne Boxing Club.

Thankfully, the club had access to one, meaning she was successfully resuscitated and is now an advocate of all gyms having access to the vital equipment.