National Amateur Championships 2024: Finals Day Images

April 30, 2024 | by Chris Boyd


England Boxing affiliated members can now visit The Vault to download images from the National Amateur Championships 2024 Finals Day, held at Derby Arena on Saturday 20th April.

Captured by our photographer James Fowles, a collection of action, ring walk and presentation pictures are available to download.

Members are free to access images for personal use, but they must not be reproduced or used for commercial purposes.

To view images, sign into The Vault and click on ‘Knowledge Base’ on the left-hand side, followed by ‘Locker’.

Here, click on ‘England Boxing National Amateur Championships 2024 – images’, which will allow you to select the Finals Day images, note the password in the description section and click on the blue ‘Go to link tab’.

Now you should be able to enter the relevant password and download images.