New 1k challenge for England Boxing Running Strava Challenge participants
January 15, 2021 | by Matt Halfpenny
The England Boxing Running Strava Challenge changes tack in this coming third week (starting 18th January) – by asking participants to run the quickest 1k they can!
After two weeks of asking you to show your stamina, we’re now mixing it up and want to see the kings and queens of speed endurance.
This 1k challenge represents the kind of sustained, high-energy effort that is similar to what you might put in during a boxing bout and is easy for anyone to have a go at.
Again, the top three in each category will get a shout out in England Boxing’s website round-up.
You can set as many 1k times as you like, but it must be automated through Strava or, if on a private treadmill or inputted manually, must be supported by pictorial evidence of the data created.
Please see below for an example of how your 1k should show up on your Strava page.
In the example, the time that will be measured is the ‘pace’, which in this case would be 3.47.
In order not to lose any time, it is in your interest to make sure that you run as close to 1km as possible. Equally, make sure you run at least 1km, as if you run 0.99k, your time will not count.
To get the best results, follow these pointers:
- Always find an-off road route away from traffic.
- Try to find a route as straight as possible, which prevents loss of time on cornering.
- Try to find a route with little or no inclines that will slow you down.
- Measure out the 1km exactly on a slow practice run, so you know where to start and stop to record the correct distance.
- Don’t forget to stop the timing of your run immediately after reaching 1k!
England Boxing Development Coach Amanda Coulson is excited to see how participants adapt to the new challenge.
She said: “We want to test out our participants’ versatility by mixing up the Challenges. Can they run explosively, as well as for a long time? We are going to find out!”
Please note that while boxers overall mileage will continued to be displayed on group leaderboards, these results will not be acknowledged in week 3’s challenge.
How to join in
If you want to begin your 2021 by getting in running shape but not entered yet, there is still time to join with Challenges running each week from Monday morning to Sunday evening.
To join in with the England Boxing Strava Running Challenge 2021, first sign up to Strava at https://www.strava.com/, if you haven’t already.
Then head over to the relevant group to complete your registration. Runs will automatically be logged in the challenge once you are registered:
Schools boxers – https://www.strava.com/clubs/englandboxingschools
Junior boxers – https://www.strava.com/clubs/englandboxingjunior
Youth boxers – https://www.strava.com/clubs/englandboxingyouth
Senior boxers – https://www.strava.com/clubs/englandboxingsenior
Coaches and Non-boxers – https://www.strava.com/clubs/englandboxingcoaches
Please state your club and position on your Strava profile. For example, put ‘Army boxer’, ‘Steel City Coach’, ‘Aberfeldy Welfare Officer’ or ‘Wearmouth Administrator’. If you are an official with no specific club, please state your region and role, such as ‘Eastern Counties Judge’.
For the 1k challenge, participants must ensure they have their Privacy Controls under Settings set to ‘Everyone’ both for the Profile Page and Activities in order that results can be viewed.
Should you have any problems with registering, please email: matt.halfpenny@englandboxing.org
Key Information
Important: Please note that boxers and participants taking part are doing so their own risk and must ensure they have adequate footwear and clothing and no injury or health concerns.
It is recommended that participants do not to run alone in the dark and parents and coaches are requested to monitor the activity of under 18s and ensure that those taking part do not push themselves beyond their running capabilities, while also giving themselves adequate rest. Adults should also be careful to run within their limits and rest when appropriate.
You can also post pics that you’d like to share of you running in your England gear on our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter channels using the hashtag #EBStravaChallenge