New gym allows Moulescoomb ABC to fulfil its full potential
May 22, 2019 | by Matt Halfpenny
Moulescoomb ABC has opened the doors to its new gym after a four-year project that was part-funded by Sport England.
The Brighton-based club were over-subscribed with a long waiting list of potential members, but only a small one-storey scout hut in which to train them.
Now, though, the club has trebled in size across two floors, with new changing facilities, an office, two rings, and an additional training area with storage.
Club Chairman Robert Bell (pictured, second left) was instrumental in bringing the project reached a successful conclusion, tirelessly liaising with planners and council representatives to get all necessary permissions and paperwork in place for the building to go ahead.
Adam Muirhead (pictured far-right) supported the club to formulate a new committee and helped draft the application to Sport England, as well as other funders, who helped pay to re-equip the facility.
Coaches Matt and Nick Bell (pictured centre and centre-right) also played important roles, not only working long hours painting and labouring on the site free of charge, but calling in favours from many trades people and construction businesses, not to mention fundraising continually to finance the cost of the work.
The gym was formally opened by the local Mayoress who cut the ribbon, after which members of the local community, boxers, funders and contributing businesses were invited to have a look round the gym for themselves.
To find out more about Moulescoomb ABC, go to their Facebook page.