Performance: Junior Open Talent Day 2024

April 12, 2024 | by Chris Boyd


England Boxing are hosting an Open Talent Day (OTD) for Junior boxers (born in 2008 & 2009) on Sunday 28th April at Berinsfield Boxing Gym.

OTDs are designed to identify talented boxers who may not have been scouted during the recent England Boxing National Junior Championships 2024. This could be due to talented boxers meeting in the early stages of the competition and others unable to enter due to injury or illness.

The standard England Boxing is looking for is high. Boxers on the Performance Pathway are expected to meet training demands and compete in international competitions against the very best from other nations with a potential 24-month age difference.

Each boxer will be assessed on technical and tactical skills, using a rating system (RAGG), and will receive feedback from the England Boxing coaches.

Following the assessment, boxers who meet the required assessment levels will be invited onto the England Boxing Performance Pathway.

Junior Open Talent Day Criteria

  • Be a British Citizen (eligible for a British passport) – you cannot progress on the pathway without a British passport.
  • Be a member of an affiliated England Boxing Club registered on the Vault.
  • Hold a valid BCR1 and in-date medical (both will need to be shown on the day).
  • Be injury-free to attend the camp, as boxers must participate in all activities to be assessed.
  • Be within 3% of your declared assessment weight.
  • Be a minimum of 42kg to apply
  • Boxers must be born in 2008 & 2009.
  • Men – 52kg-70kg (inclusive) a minimum of 15 bouts. All other weights have a minimum of 10 bouts.
  • Men – Have a minimum of a 70% win/loss ratio (BCR1s will be checked).
  • Women – must have had a minimum of 5 bouts. (BCR1s will be checked).
  • Provide a brief summary of key boxing achievements.
  • Provide a brief explanation of why they feel they should be assessed.

2024 National Cadet Boxers may apply if they meet the Compulsory criteria listed above.

The above criteria are the minimum criteria for your application to be considered by the coaching team. Meeting the minimum does NOT mean an invite will be issued.

To apply to attend

Scan the QR Code below and complete a short application form:

  • Deadline: 12 noon, Friday 19th April – late applications will not be accepted.
  • This form should only take a couple of minutes to complete.
  • After completion, only SUCCESSFUL boxers will receive an email after the closing date to confirm if they have been successful in securing a place on the OTD with full instructions. Please do NOT show up on the day without an invitation email.