Queensberry’s summer holiday boost for local youngsters
August 18, 2021 | by Matt Halfpenny
Queensberry Police Amateur Boxing Club is helping to deliver summer holiday activities for five to 16 year-olds in its local community, giving participating youngsters ‘a great deal’.
The Staffordshire club, based in Stoke-on-Trent, has teamed up with charity The Hubb Foundation to provide boxing-related sessions that also include a light meal.
Running two days a week through the month of August, they are split into two separate, mixed-gender sessions – from five to nine years and 10 to 16 years.
The initiative has been organised by Club Chairman Matt Crowe, and it it hoped that a successful trial will lead to a more permanent project.
Children who particularly enjoy the boxing can get involved with Queensberry’s evening boxing classes if they wish to do so.
“We have had a high demand for involvement in the fun boxing sessions,” said Club Coach and Secretary Mark Griffiths. “The children get a great deal from this, not just by way of a healthy meal, but from a sense of taking part in a fun and disciplined activity.
“Our Club is situated in a very impoverished area where there are minimum activities take place during school holidays.
“We feel we are playing our part in providing something for the young people of the area, with the help of The Hubb Foundation.
“Our Chairman deserves a special pat on the back as he spends numerous hours volunteering to raise funds for our club to make this happen… well done, Matt.”
Find out more about Queensberry Police Amateur Boxing Club by going to its Facebook home page.