Restart a Heart Day 2022: 16th October

October 12, 2022 | by Chris Boyd


Restart a Heart Day 2022 will take place on 16th October. The initiative aims to raise awareness about cardiac arrest and incentivise as many people as possible to learn how to perform the potentially life-saving act of CPR.

291,000 people were trained in CPR thanks to Restart a Heart day back in 2019. The initiative, headed by The Resuscitation Council UK alongside the British Heart Foundation, British Red Cross, St John Ambulance, NHS Ambulance Service and Saving Lives for Scotland, is aiming to surpass that figure this year, thanks to their new CPR training tool, RevivR.

Sadly, less than 1 in 10 people survive an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, with approximately 30,000 taking place each year in the UK. Around 80% of these cardiac arrests happen in the home.

Performing CPR can more than double the chances of survival in some cases.

Learning how to perform CPR is now easier than ever with RevivR. The free 15-minute CPR training teaches you exactly what to do when someone has a cardiac arrest and you can complete the RevivR training anywhere you want – all you need is your phone and a cushion.

The British Heart Foundation (BHF) has outlined four ways in which you can get involved in Restart a Heart Day 2022.

1. Learn CPR with RevivR

You never know when you’ll need to give someone CPR – it may save the life of a friend or family member. With just a smartphone, a cushion and 15 minutes of your time, you’ll know what to do if someone has a cardiac arrest. RevivR is completely free and at the end, you’ll get the option of receiving a certificate.

If you’re a community group, you can share RevivR in your networks and help make sure that as many people as possible know what to do when someone has a cardiac arrest.

If you’re a workplace and you want to train your staff to use RevivR, we can support you. Get in touch to find out how we can help:

You can also learn more about how to do CPR on the BHF website here.

2. Get your CPR training kit ready

Secondary school – if you work for a secondary school, your school may already have one of our free Call Push Rescue training kits. If you aren’t sure, ask around and see who might be storing it. Then you’re ready to start training. If you don’t have a kit yet, and your school is eligible, you can apply for one.

Workplace or community group – if you want to train your workplace or community group, you can buy a kit online. It contains everything you need to run a CPR training session, including reusable manikins, and a training DVD so no instructor is needed. Alternatively, you can watch the training video online.

3. Run your training digitally or face to face on or around Restart a Heart Day, 16 October

Whether you’re a school, workplace or member of your community, get everyone together and learn how to save a life.

4. Use #RestartAHeart to follow what’s happening on the day

You don’t have to wait for Restart a Heart Day to start CPR training. Watch the videos now, use RevivR or get your CPR training kit and help more people learn how to save a life.