Sport England support tops £875k as overall emergency club funding climbs to almost £3.5m
May 22, 2020 | by Matt Halfpenny
More than £875,000 has now been secured by England Boxing-affiliated clubs from Sport England’s Community Emergency Fund.
It will help clubs up and down the country safeguard their futures following the loss of income due to enforced gym closures while the government’s Coronavirus social distancing guidelines are observed.
The total of £878,487 is part of almost £3.5 million that has been acquired by boxing clubs to date to ease their financial pressures, with the central government’s Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant Fund and Small Business Grants Fund among the other major funding streams accessed.
England Boxing’s #KOCOVID19 fundraising appeal has helped raise £128,208 of that money for more than 135 member clubs.
“We’re delighted by the support that Sport England has offered our member clubs at this difficult time and I’m sure every one of them who has received funding would like to say a big thank you,” said Head of Community Development, Ron Tulley.
“I think why so many clubs have been successful from the fund – with 89% of boxing applications successful – is that the value of the impact clubs have on their local communities is not lost on those assessing the applications.”
“Although that Sport England fund has now been paused, there are other funds still open, so clubs can still make an application for funding, should they require it.”
If your club has not applied for financial support, but needs help, please go to England Boxing’s ‘Summary of financial assistance for clubs’ page, where you can find out what help is available.
Alternatively, you can contact the CSO relevant to your region here.