Spotlight firmly on goal setting at DiSE boxing London
December 14, 2022 | by Chris Boyd
DiSE boxing in London, based at the Spotlight Centre in Tower Hamlets, rounded off the winter term with a valuable session by sports psychologist, Natasha Bains.
Boxers in the DiSE program, a qualification that provides a Level 3 diploma in Sporting Excellence, turned out for the 2-hour workshop which focused on the values of setting goals and planning.
DiSE coach Mark Collings highlighted the importance and quality of Natasha’s sessions.
“It was another outstanding session for the young boxers”.
“Natasha comes in four or five times a year to do workshops on various aspects of sports performance – from raising confidence to calming the nerves – but the ‘goal setting’ session I think is particularly valuable.
“Natasha works with many top athletes across all sports, not just boxing, and having the ability and discipline to structure a goal-setting program is absolutely vital for a boxer or any athlete to consistently compete at a high level”.
Ruth Huntly, current West Ham and England pathway boxer, who is in her first year on the DiSE program in London, echoed Collings’ sentiments.
“I really enjoyed the session. It has made me feel more confident and has motivated me to plan my future goals.”
Another first-year boxer, Harry Carter of Dagenham ABC, also took a lot from the workshop.
“I found the session very valuable. I think if I can make a few changes to how I currently carry out my goal setting and really focus on the priorities, it will actively improve my performance.
“Being organised and focusing on priorities is a very important part of performing as an elite boxer.”