Team England head to Denmark for International Duel

December 7, 2023 | by Nabillah Akhtar


An eight-strong-squad will be travelling to Varde, Denmark tomorrow in order to compete on Saturday 9th December.

The exciting event will give English athletes the chance to go head-to-head against the country’s best amateur boxers whilst allowing them to gain more international experience under their belts.

The team consists of both senior and youth boxers and will be led by Lead Coach, John Stubbs. He’ll receive support from coaches, Jason Gledhill and Tony Nicholls whilst Les Benham will also attend as England’s R&J representative.


U60kg Freddie Pullen West Ham London
U62kg Louie Ward Repton London
U82kg Lucas Roehrig Dale Youth London
U52kg Terri Naylor Limehouse London
U54kg Beth Walsh Training Cave Yorkshire
U57kg Vivien Parsons Afewee London
U54kg Zayn Ahmed Pinewood Home Counties
U67kg Harry Burke West Ham London