Warrington Phoenix Fire Fit and Fed project excels in its second year
August 17, 2018 | by Matt Halfpenny
For the second year running Warrington Pheonix Fire Boxing club housed within the Warrington Fire and Rescue station has engaged in the national “Fit and Fed” pioneered by Street Games.
Damian Ridpath, Head coach, said: “After trialling the programme last year we found that there was a real demand for young people in and around our club to partake in daily healthy activity whilst ensuring they were also receiving a nutritious lunch during their school holidays”
25 young people attend the club and receive a healthy lunch prepared by the local “Live Wire” leisure trust. Tom Mellor and Elliot Dillon coach the young people each day. Tom remarked that
“It has been terrific to work with these young people during their summer holiday. They age from 7-14 years and they and their families are very grateful for the fitness sessions, lunch and community visits that are all provided free of charge. It has also given us the opportunity to provide opportunities for some of our teenage Junior leaders from the club to volunteer with some of the younger fit and fed group”
The newly formed Maverick Stars Trust based in Cheshire is funding the programme by paying the coaches for their work and also paying for all of the lunches. Warrington Borough Council are another valued partner as they are assisting in transporting some of the participants to the club.
Ron Tulley, Head of Community Development at England Boxing visited the programme on Wednesday 15th August. He said,
“It is great to see so many young people involved in rigorous boxing fitness activities lead by highly qualified coaches. On top of the great fitness work and healthy lunch, they are also engaging in visits to local areas of interest. As the kids finished their lunch they were off for a visit around the Warrington Wolves stadium and hopefully meeting some of the rugby league stars soon to be fighting for the Challenge Cup. The stereotypical image of teenagers on summer holidays is one of sitting on their sofas playing with consoles, this could not be more different”
Of the 25 regular attendees, 15 are new to the club and are already considering becoming full time club members as the new season approaches.