Western Counties Select Team triumph in tight Jersey duel
October 19, 2022 | by Matt Halfpenny
The Western Counties Select Boxing Team secured a narrow 6-4 overall victory in a keenly-contested duel in Jersey.
Kindly hosted by Jersey Leonis Boxing Club, the event saw 10 bouts entertain a capacity crowd in St Helier.
The visiting team was representative of clubs from across the vast region of the Western Counties, while also guesting on the select team Marine Joe Slatter (Royal Marines) and Imogen Street (Hillcrest).
Coaches selected to form the coaching staff were Gavin Caldwell (Plympton Boxing Club, Devon) and Jonno Roberts (Truro Boxing Club, Cornwall), plus the regional coach Ian Tennant.
Travelling Officials were Mike Hemming (Devizes Boxing Club, Wiltshire) who was the supervisor and team manager and Paul Doust (St Columb Major Boxing Club), who was a judge and referee.
Guest coaches were Corporal Dan Ward (Royal Marines) and Aimee Edwards and Sher Khan (both Hillcrest), who supported their boxers.
Hemming, also secretary of the Western Counties region, said: “The bouts were all evenly-matched and well-contested, reflected in the tight scoreline.
“This is a great result for the WC Select Team and testament to the hard work and dedication of the boxers, coaches and volunteers at the individual clubs concerned.”
Regional coach Tennant added: “The Team came together following regional coaching squads and, through a mixture of adaptability, resilience and robustness, they went on to have a successful competition of which they should all be proud”.
“I would especially like to thank the Royal Marines and Hillcrest for their valuable support and look forward to welcoming them back for future involvement in the Western Counties.”
Coen Le Monnier (Jersey Leonis) beat Chris Hancock (WC Select).
Joe Patterson (Jersey Leonis) lost to Ethan Dieroff (WC Select).
Harry Journeaux (Jersey Leonis) beat Harry Fawcett (WC Select).
Aaron Gallichan (Jersey Leonis) lost to Connor Simpson (WC Select).
Frank Quenault (Jersey Leonis) beat William Room (WC Select).
Charlie Corbel (Jersey Leonis) lost to Kieran Allam (WC Select).
Cristovao Rodrigues (Jersey Leonis) lost to Joe Slatter (Royal Marines).
Leanne Le Feuvre (Jersey Leonis) lost to Imogen Street (Hillcrest).
Luca Frankson (Jersey Leonis) beat Liam Bishop (WC Select).
Ciaran Croke (Jersey Leonis) lost to Richard Hughes (WC Select).