Wimborne return to action with first home show
August 23, 2021 | by Matt Halfpenny
Wimborne Boxing Club hosted its first home show (7th August) since the return to boxing following the easing of Covid-19 restrictions – and what a night it was.
It was a night the competing boxers had been waiting tirelessly to come round for 18 months.
All the home Zoom sessions seemed like a lifetime ago as the music started and the boxers made their way towards the ring, with each boxer was just so excited to be back doing what they loved the most, regardless of the result.
The show was supported by clubs from across the country, some who made a round trip of up to 12 hours to get their boxers back in action, demonstrating the dedication amateur coaches have for their team.
To help the families of the travelling boxers that were not able to make the journey, or for those that were still not comfortable in large groups, the show was live streamed through the Wimborne website.
It was so successful that from now on the club is going to live stream all its shows.
Each ticket was sold for £5 and people logged in up and down the country to watch, as well as locally.
Below are some of the comments received on the night and also comments from the boxers themselves.
“Fab night, they all did the club proud! Amazing talent in these guys and can’t wait to see them in the ring again soon.”
“Amateur boxing at its purest…
“Two 11 /12-year-old girls in the third round of their contest last night… that was what leaving everything in the ring looks like. So proud of these little champs, they showed heart, determination and respect. This is boxing.”
“I’m not happy I lost, but the main thing is that I can learn from my mistakes so next time I’m in the ring I can keep my head up and be proud!”
“It was such a privilege to be part of this show tonight, this team is so talented. So excited for the next show.”
Wimborne already have another show planned for December where the aim is to get all our the academy students boxing too.
The Academy Of Boxing is run in partnership with Leaf Studio School and gives competing amateur boxers a chance to concentrate on their sport with strength and conditioning sessions, as well as four hours of technical training, timetabled into their school week.
The Academy was set up September 2020 so has mainly been run with Covid-19 restrictions in place. However, in the next school year, lots of exciting trips are being planned.
England Boxing Western Counties Club Support officer Richard Powers said: “It’s great to see clubs back to competitive boxing.
“I think it was a brilliant idea to live stream the boxing show, giving family members and local and away supporters an opportunity to support the boxers and club without worrying about Covid restrictions / venue restrictions. This is definitely a way forward.”