Women’s Officials Development Programme spotlight: Katherine Clifford

March 30, 2024 | by Chris Boyd


The Titchfield judge and timekeeper hopes the Women’s Officials Development Programme will allow her to take the natural path from regional officiating to cross-county and then nationally.

How did you first get involved with boxing and become an official?

I’ve been around boxing most of my life as my father, Louis Stamp, was involved as a coach and a judge. He encouraged me to become a judge for many years but it wasn’t until I became a personal trainer later in life that I qualified and volunteered as a coach. It was a way of giving something back to the community and once my knowledge increased and I felt more confident, I became a judge. Boxing feels like home to me.

What do you hope to get from the WODP that can improve you as an official?

Being part of this development group is making me feel confident enough to judge across counties, which in return will afford me the possibility to be exposed to a variety of people and places. That will bring the benefit of learning from our valued officials, who all have many years of experience. I would like to use that to hone my skills to the highest level possible.

What do you enjoy the most in your officiating role(s)?

The feeling of doing something good. We all work as a team to help the boxers showcase their skills in a safe environment. There is nothing quite like being in a room full of like-minded people, with a love of the sport and a passion for the people, not just the boxers but their friends, family and teammates.

Who are your biggest boxing inspirations?

My father.

What is your aspiration in boxing?

To help boxing be home to many. Males and females alike.  I want to help create a safe place to showcase their skills and achieve their goals. I hope to one day be good enough to judge the best of the best in amateur boxing, along with officiating grassroots club shows and watching the beginning of their journeys.