Showing results for Male NACs-Elites-ABAs

Winners of the England Boxing National Amateur Championships (formerly National Elite Championships and ABAs) dating back to the competition’s inception in 1881.

Weight Category Champion Finalist
Under 51 kg William Cuthbertson (United Scottish BC) Les Tarrant (Armstrong-Siddeley ABC)
Under 54 kg Les Tarrant (Armstrong-Siddeley ABC) T Herbison (United Scottish BC)
Under 57 kg George Baker (Polytechnic ABC) John Cater (United Scottish BC)
Under 60 kg G Shorter (Clapton Federation ABC) E Fox (Polytechnic ABC)
Under 69 kg Alex Ireland (United Scottish BC) P O'Hanrahan (Polytechnic ABC)
Under 75 kg Harry Mallin (Metropolitan Police ABC) E Whitehouse (Limehouse & Poplar ABC)
Under 81 kg L Collett (Surrey Commercial Docks ABC) B Garrett (Tillings ABC)
Under 91 kg Ron Rawson (Polytechnic ABC) J Mullings (Metropolitan Police ABC)

Weight Category Champion Finalist
Under 51 kg H Groves (Caius ABC) B Mayne (Polytechnic ABC)
Under 54 kg George McKenzie (United Scottish BC) D Bowling (Limehouse ABC)
Under 57 kg J Fleming (United Scottish BC) John Cater (United Scottish ABC)
Under 60 kg Fred Grace (Eton Old Boys ABC) E Davis (Lynn ABC)
Under 69 kg F Whitbread (Fulham ABC) P Zoller (Polytechnic ABC)
Under 75 kg Harry Mallin (Eton Old Boys ABC) Edward White (Lynn ABC)
Under 81 kg Harold Franks (St Pancras ABC) M Martin (United Scottish BC)
Under 91 kg Ron Rawson (Polytechnic ABC) G Clark (Metropolitan Police ABC)

Weight Category Champion Finalist
Under 54 kg W W Allen (Lynn ABC) G Sutherland (Leith and Tolbooth ABC)
Under 57 kg George Baker (Hendon ABC) A Davis (Fulham ABC)
Under 60 kg Fred Grace (Eton Old Boys ABC) A Suhr (Belsize ABC)
Under 75 kg Harry Mallin (Eton Old Boys ABC) F Whitbread (Fulham ABC)
Under 91 kg H Brown (Belsize ABC) C Copp (RMA ABC)

Weight Category Champion Finalist
Under 54 kg W W Allen (Lynn ABC) S Whatley (Columbia ABC)
Under 57 kg George Baker (Hendon ABC) J Day (Columbia ABC)
Under 60 kg R Marriott (Stansfield ABC) P Zoller (Polytechnic ABC)
Under 75 kg H Brown (Belsize ABC) H Mansergh (Polytechnic ABC)
Under 91 kg E Chandler (Stock Exchange ABC) G Williams (Stansfield ABC)

Weight Category Champion Finalist
Under 54 kg A Wye (Columbia ABC) W W Allen (Polytechnic ABC)
Under 57 kg George Baker (Hendon ABC) J O'Neill (Gloucester ABC)
Under 60 kg Fred Grace (Eton Mission ABC) R Marriott (Stansfield ABC)
Under 75 kg W Bradley (Bemondsey Catholic ABC) J Webb (Scottish National BC)
Under 91 kg R Smith (Metropolitan Police ABC) H Johnson (Metropolitan Police ABC)

Weight Category Champion Finalist
Under 54 kg W W Allen (Polytechnic ABC) A Wye (Columbia ABC)
Under 57 kg George Baker (Hendon ABC) H Pollard (Bermondsey Catholic ABC)
Under 60 kg R Marriott (Stansfield ABC) Fred Grace (Eton Mission ABC)
Under 75 kg E Chandler (Stock Exchange ABC) E Thrower (Hendon ABC)
Under 91 kg R Smith (Metropolitan Police ABC) P Foote (London Hospital ABC)

Weight Category Champion Finalist
Under 54 kg W W Allen (Polytechnic ABC) J Hughes (Scottish National BC)
Under 57 kg H Bowers (St Pancras ABC) R Erskine (Scottish National BC)
Under 60 kg A Spenceley (Old Goldsmiths ABC) E Thrower (St Pancras ABC)
Under 75 kg William Child (Cambridge ABC) W Bradley (Bermondsey Catholic ABC)
Under 91 kg W Hazell (City Police ABC) R Smith (Metropolitan Police ABC)

30th ABA National Championships
1910 | Alexandra Park, London
Weight Category Champion Finalist
Under 54 kg Wally Webb (St Pancras ABC) H Matthias (Battersea ABC)
Under 57 kg C Houghton (Northampton Institute ABC) R Bamberger (Belsize ABC)
Under 60 kg Tom Tees (Lynn ABC) Fred Grace (Eton Mission ABC)
Under 75 kg Rube Warnes (Surrey Commercial Docks ABC) W Fountain (Eton Mission ABC)
Under 91 kg F Storbeck (Representing South Africa) B Logan (Belsize ABC)

Weight Category Champion Finalist
Under 54 kg John Condon (Lynn ABC) W Turley (British United ABC)
Under 57 kg Alex Lambert (Belgrave Harriers ABC) A Arnold (Polytechnic ABC)
Under 60 kg Fred Grace (Eton Mission ABC) Matt Wells (Lynn ABC)
Under 75 kg William Child (Cambridge ABC) A Titley (Columbia ABC)
Under 91 kg C Brown (Victoria ABC) A Smith (Lynn ABC)

Weight Category Champion Finalist
Under 54 kg Henry Thomas (Birmingham ABC) A Shipp (Columbia ABC)
Under 57 kg Tom Ringer (Lynn ABC) Charley Morris (Polytechnic ABC)
Under 60 kg Harold Holmes (Polytechnic ABC) G Jessup (Mildway Rowing Club ABC)
Under 75 kg William Child (Cambridge ABC) P Bevan (Polytechnic ABC)
Under 91 kg Syd Evans (Reading ABC) J Hart (Gainsford ABC)