Tag Archive for: Coaches

Level 3 and Level 4 Coach Online Programme: more sessions on the way

A second session of England Boxing’s Level 3 and Level 4 Coach Online Programme has now been put in the diary for April.

Early-career coaches and Boxer-to-coach members to benefit from online programme

England Boxing is extending the opportunity for all members who are early career coaches or boxers making the step into coaching to take part in an online development programme.

Online programme to support Ethnically Diverse Coaches

A new Ethnically Diverse Coach Development Programme is being launched by England Boxing in 2021.

Aid your development of coaching young people

Boxing coaches at all levels are invited to access a free online resource that will support the development of their skills in training young people.

Talent Coaches learn about equality and diversity

England Boxing has invested in upskilling its Talent Pathway Coaches and Team Managers via an Equality and Diversity in Sport course.

Free training tool to help boxing’s coaches and those running gyms

England Boxing is delighted to be able to bring members a new, free, online training platform that is designed to help coaches and those running gyms deal with the threat of COVID-19.

Keeping Britain active through Covid – search is on for the nation’s coaching heroes

UK Coaching has re-opened its national awards to mark the great coaches who have inspired and motivated the nation to keep moving during the coronavirus lockdowns – and are inviting nominations from the England Boxing community.