EB / Andy ChubbNine Boxers Join GB Boxing in Debut Year of Senior Performance ProgrammeMay 2, 2024Nine promising boxers have progressed through to the GB Boxing World Class Programme in the inaugural year of England Boxing’s senior initiative. https://www.englandboxing.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/D51_2309-Chantelle-Reid-Kode-Red-pose-scaled.jpg 1000 1500 Nabillah Akhtar https://www.englandboxing.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/EB-Tag-no-padding-300x123-version2-300x123.jpg Nabillah Akhtar2024-05-02 15:23:012024-05-02 15:23:01Nine Boxers Join GB Boxing in Debut Year of Senior Performance Programme