Tag Archive for: mental Health

Wellbeing and Mental Health Advice and Guidance

Below are detailed some useful signposting links to advice and…

Wellbeing Wednesdays Archive

Below are archived Wellbeing Wednesdays article that were first…

Tag Archive for: mental Health

Wellbeing Monthly: Stress Awareness Month, April 1 – 30

April is Stress Awareness month and healthcare professionals and health promotion experts across the country will join forces to increase awareness about the causes of stress and how to manage it.

Wellbeing Monthly – Put a spring in back into your step and smile on International Day of Happiness

Today, Monday, 20th March 2023, marks the first day of spring which also coincides with the International Day of Happiness. It’s almost serendipitous. The sun shines brighter and nature starts to bloom. Just by reading that sentence can you feel yourself smile and feel instantly happier?

World Sleep Day 2023

Today, Friday 17th March 2023, is World Sleep Day. It marks a celebration of sleep and a call to action on important issues related to sleep.

Developing a healthy relationship with physical activity through Mind

Mind is highlighting the positives of developing a healthy relationship with physical activity and has co-produced two films that draw on this important but rarely discussed topic.

Get behind Time to Talk Day 2023

Today Thursday 2 February is Time to Talk day, and the aim of Time to Talk day is to raise awareness about mental health and wellbeing by encouraging people to talk about how they are feeling.

Powerday hosts first Sam’s Listening Mental Health training course for London Boxing clubs

Powerday, the lead sponsor of Powerday Hooks ABC, hosted its first Sam's Listening Mental Health First Aid course on Saturday 7th January.

Wellbeing Monthly: New Year, New Beginnings

As we move forward into the new year, will you reflect on 2022 and see it as a complete washout, or are you able to take some positives forward with you?

East Middlesbrough to develop community hub following Box Gathering award

East Middlesbrough ABC's Laura Sargeant says she and the club are 'over the moon' at receiving The Box Gathering's £1000 Christmas award, which was drawn on the 23rd December 2022.